User Interface and User Experience: In the era of smartphones and websites, web/mobile applications should be simpler, customer-oriented and responsive enough on smaller screens. If web applications confuse and frustrates users, then customer’s loyalty for the website will be lost. Website navigation is again neglected by developers, intuitive navigation provides better user experience increases business prospects and keeps competition away.
Scalability: Scalability is about load balancing between the servers, so when the load increases on the web/mobile application additional servers can be added to scale and balance, thereby providing excellent user experience. Hence, applications should be designed in such a way, that it can work on a cluster of servers, where by additional compute can be provisioned or de-provisioned on the fly for scalability purpose of the application.
Performance: Web/Mobile Application’s response time is an importance factor for the success of the application. When business runs online every second counts, hence performance of the web/mobile application need to be thought about before stating the development. Some major reasons of application performance challenges are experienced -
Poorly written code
Un-Optimized Databases
Unmanaged Growth of data
Network traffic spikes
Poor load distribution
Default configuration
Troublesome third-party Services
Content Distribution Network (CDN) configuration
Development Framework and Platform: Development Frameworks and Development Languages help to kick-start the development process, boost performance, provides libraries, APIs, snippets of code, and extend capabilities. This ensures developers need not do grounds-up coding web/mobile application development. Application Developers should have a clear understanding of their organizational needs related to application development. While selecting the Development Framework and Platform for an application development, organization should consider existing technical skills, learning curve, pricing, customization options available for Development Platform.
Security: While developing Web/Mobile Application security is often neglected. Security should be given the top most priority throughout the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), as most of application deal with vital and confidential information. Plethora of security aspects need to be dealt with during web/mobile application development such as:
Denial of service attacks
Safety of user data
Database malfunctioning
Unauthorized access
Cross-Site Scripting
Phishing attacks
Cross-Site Request Forgery
Shell Injection
Session Hijacking
SQL Injection
Buffer Overflow
DataSturdy Consulting considers all the above challenges and ensure that those gets mitigated while developing Web/Mobile Applications for our customers as a final product that is overall pleasing, builds the brand and is technically up to date with sound visuals and delivers 100% of our customer’s business requirements and functionalities.
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