Database Assessment

DataSturdy Consulting offers Database Assessment as a Service for Microsoft SQL Server Databases for our customers. This service provides an insight into the health of SQL Server environments by pre-emptively diagnosing challenges and risks, reviewing various database test results, and provide continuous updates with best practice guidelines and recommendations. Analyze SQL Server database environments against best practices recommended by Microsoft, rapped with DataSturdy’s SQL Server experience, and then work with the expert to understand Database test results and develop a plan that confines risks and improves SQL Server Database environment.

The major objectives of Database Assessment are as below:

  • Provide customers with expert’s perspective on database challenges and prioritise the same in addressing the same

  • Optimize database environments proactively based on Microsoft’s best practice recommendations and prevent database challenges before they actually happen.

  • Determine a baseline so that customer can track database progress going forward

As part of the scope of Database Assessment as a Service DataSturdy Consulting will assess the risk of customer’s SQL Server environments with respect to database design, security, performance, reliability, availability, business continuity and more. This database assessment can be executed for any kind of SQL Server environments like single server or failover cluster running Microsoft supported versions of SQL Server on Windows or Linux on-premises and on-cloud IaaS (Azure/AWS/Google).

Our expert’s proactive focus areas during Database Assessments are:

  • High Availability and Business Continuity Planning (BCP): Maximize database service availability and build disaster recovery for failovers

  • Performance and Scalability: Improve user experience and response by managing current and future performance and capacity requirements.

  • Operation Monitoring: Manage and monitor daily operations within database service environment

  • Configuration and Change Management: Manage configuration settings and changes to databases service environment

  • Security and Compliance: Overall protect database services from attack and safeguard integrity and privacy of sensitive business data.

  • Upgradations and Migrations: Manage and recommend migrations between platforms and recommend upgrades for deployments of new database service environment.

DataSturdy Consulting would like to engage with our customers for Database Assessment on a one time basic or on a quarterly/yearly basis. We are extremely flexible and adaptive to customers business needs and challenges that helps us to customize our professional service delivery for Database Assessments, as we engage with our customers.

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