Introduction to Azure AI Language Services
Azure AI Language Services is a robust natural language processing (NLP) capabilities provided by Microsoft Azure. It helps developers to build applications that can process and analyze human language. Whether on sentiment analysis, entity recognition, text summarization, translation, or conversational AI, Azure AI Language Services offers pre-trained models and APIs to make it easy to integrate language understanding into your applications.
Why Azure AI Language Services?
Azure AI Language Services simplifies the implementation of complex NLP tasks, providing:
Core Capabilities and Services:
Sentiment Analysis
Entity Recognition
Key Phrase Extraction
Language Detection
Text Summarization
Conversational AI
Custom Text Classification
Custom Named Entity Recognition
Opinion Mining
An Example Script: Translation services
Step 1: Set Up Azure Translator Resource
Step 2: Install Required Libraries
pip install requests
Step 3: Code
import requests
# Replace with your Azure endpoint and API key
endpoint = “<your-endpoint>”
subscription_key = “<your-api-key>”
region = “<your-region>”
# Text to be translated
text = “Hello, how are you?”
target_language = “es” # Spanish
# Construct the API request
url = f”{endpoint}/translate?api-version=3.0&to={target_language}”
headers = {
“Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key”: subscription_key,
“Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Region”: region,
“Content-Type”: “application/json”
body = [{“Text”: text}]
# Send the request
response =, headers=headers, json=body)
translations = response.json()
# Display the translated text
translated_text = translations[0][‘translations’][0][‘text’]
print(f”Original Text: {text}”)
print(f”Translated Text: {translated_text}”)
Original Text: Hello, how are you?
Translated Text: Hola, ¿cómo estás?
Azure AI Language Services empowers businesses to integrate advanced NLP capabilities seamlessly into their applications. With features like sentiment analysis, translation, and text summarization, it offers flexible, scalable, and multilingual solutions to address diverse business needs.
Gajalakshmi N