Corporate Training and Learning is one of the key services offered by DataSturdy Consulting, that is exceptionally close to our hearts in delivering Niche Software Trainings to our customers. For us it refers to a system of professional development activities provided by DataSturdy Consulting to educate our customer's employees. The simplest form of corporate software education may be class room based theoretical and hands-on training programs designed "in-house" for an organization that may wish to train their employees on specific aspects of their IT related jobs and responsibilities.
With decades of training and industry experience DataSturdy Consulting trainers follow a training delivery model with certain instruments that they always bear in mind while delivering software trainings -
Poorly written code
Set out expectations – what will we learn?
Establish prior experience – what level of delivery is appropriate?
Model (demonstrate) what to do – don’t tell; show.
Be clear – use simple language and avoid jargon.
Be brief – do not digress; leave that for the tea break.
Respond to needs – be flexible with the content of your delivery and switch focus if people want/need it.
Conclude with a plenary session – wrap up and refresh so people remember the key points.
DataSturdy Consulting trainers always remembers that different people have different learning styles, so they always provide a mixture of Visual / Auditory / Kinaesthetic means for the trainees to engage with the training subject and its content. This ensure the DataSturdy Consulting delivers world-class quality with the highest standard of professional software trainings to our customers.
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